During a week-long visit to the Republic of Moldova (12.-20.11.2024), LED project manager Miriam Speh, together with LED country director Nadejda Burciu, was able to gain a comprehensive and remarkable impression of the projects and partners supported by Liechtenstein.
The LED employees exchanged views with other donors in the field of vocational education and training (ADA, SDC, GIZ) and the Moldovan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI). New project concepts for promoting dual VET in the Republic of Moldova were discussed with the LED’s long-standing partner organisation AED (Asociația Obștească ‘Educație pentru Dezvoltare’).
One highlight was the one-day ‘LED TVET Partner Thinkshop’ – to intensify the exchange between local and international partner organisations of the Liechtenstein Development Service, including AED, CEDA (Centrul pentru Educație Antreprenorială şi Asistență în Afaceri), ATIC (Moldovan Association of ICT Companies), ILO (International Labour Organization) and CCI.
In the north of Moldova, three vocational schools (CEHTA in Țaul, CMVEA Brătușeni, Professional School No. 4 in Bãlţi) impressed with their entrepreneurial and environmental activities as well as their engaged managerial and teaching staff. The Youth Maker Club (Clubul Tinerilor Makeri) in Bãlţi was also visited and wowed the LED-team with its creative, innovative, and fun tech projects.
LED thanks all partners for their great engagement, cooperation, and exchange during and beyond this visit!