The Liechtenstein Development Service (LED)
Foundation of the Government and the civil society of Liechtenstein, which has been working in development aid since 1965. LED works in the fields of education, health and rural development, giving priority to gender issues, social justice and environment. LED is committed to ensure that everyone enjoys the fundamental right to education, working especially with those who are most vulnerable and with disadvantaged people in regions that are economically more fragile.
LED Moldova supports a number of partner organizations in their work to improve the educational offers for young people in accordance with the support strategy below. In doing this, LED attaches great importance to:
Consolidation and modernisation
- Strengthening and modernising the capacity of educational institutions to provide equitable, inclusive and quality education that promotes the concept of learner-centred education and lifelong learning
Linking education
- Linking technical vocational education to labour market needs
Supporting educational institutions
- Supporting educational institutions to strengthen their organisational capacity and teaching competence
Strengthening the capacity of strategic partners
- Strengthening the capacity of strategic partners to provide in-service training for teachers
In Republic of Moldova, LED started its activity in September 2007 with an aim to contribute to the improvement of the education system in general, and vocational education in particular. Besides funding and monitoring different projects implemented by local NGO's, LED has implemented projects on the Vocational Education and Training (VET) level. Since 2017, LED Moldova changed to the role of donor, continuing the collaboration with the strategic partners who continue the support to the VET system.