An official delegation from Liechtenstein visited Republic of Moldova

From 12 to 14 of March 2018, an official delegation from Liechtenstein headed by the Prime Minister, Adrian Hasler, visited Republic of Moldova. The delegates met the high-ranking officials from RM and visited two vocational schools, Technical University from Moldova, and two young entrepreneurs.

Adrian Hasler met Moldovan counterpart, Pavel Filip, to review the cooperation ties between the two countries which have been established since 2001. Much attention has been paid to the activity of Liechtenstein Development Services in RM (LED Moldova). Moldovan officials have praised the significant contribution that Liechtenstein-funded projects have made in the fields of Vocational Education and Training, Entrepreneurship Education, Early Child Development and Child-Centred Education as well as Inclusion of children from the socially-disadvantaged groups. The total budget of the implemented projects in Republic of Moldova since 2007 is above 12’000’000’000 €.

During the visit, the official delegation met a few beneficiaries and partners of LED Moldova. They met two of the start-up grantees who have received financial support as part of the project Moldova Employment and Entrepreneurship Education and Training Activity (MEEETA). The officials visited the young entrepreneurs – Vendereu Ion (the owner of carwash in Bălţi) şi brothers Mihasiuta Daniel and Iosif (the beekeepers from the village Coşcodeni, Sângerei). They also visited two school-partners from Bălţi: The Centre of Excellence in Food Service Industry and The Vocational School nr. 4. The officials visited the school workshops, classrooms and dormitories, met the teachers and students.

Another visit was paid to The Technical University of Moldova, which is a key partner of the project CONSEPT. The institution provides a wide range of training to teachers and instructors from the school partners. The officials learnt fist-hand about the CONSEPT activity and accomplishments.

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