Pas-cu-pas Moldova

Promoting common understanding of quality in education

Status Completed
Duration 01.01.2016-31.12.2018
Partners Ministry of Education, Culture and Research; Local Public Authorities, District Directorates of Education, Youth and Sport
Beneficiaries 21 kindergartens, 15 primary schools, 6 pedagogical colleges and universities
Budget 358'200 €

Project description:

Phase III of the Promoting Common Understanding of Quality in Education project builds on the previous two phases of the Good Start in Life for Rural Children in Moldova project. In the first phase, the Step by Step Education Programme (PEPP) provided technical assistance (seminars and mentoring activities) to 65 newly created pre-school institutions and Community Centres (by MoE through international grants), as well as to 33 district kindergartens where resource centres were created, guiding the staff of these institutions to approach quality child-centred education (building on the PEPP experience of 1994); in the second phase, further supporting the professional development of teachers and managers in 38 pre-school institutions, the project focused on new issues, promoting a systemic approach to change, based on the principles of child/learner-centred education as a basis for expressing quality: Ensuring continuity of quality educational practices and facilitating children’s transition from kindergarten to school (30 schools – primary institutions, gymnasiums, high schools), as well as linking pedagogical practices from preschool and primary stages based on the holistic approach to child development. For a greater impact of the changes in the system, in supporting the early education sector, it was seen necessary that the initial training of the DCs should keep pace with these changes, and the Step by Step Programme, as a member of ISSA, had to contribute to this modernization through the comprehensive package of materials as an expression of quality in the child-centred education formula, linking theory and practice. Supporting the process of modernisation of teacher training in initial training institutions (4 universities and 3 pedagogical colleges), building on the many years of experience of the Programme’s practitioners and ISSA’s resource materials in promoting quality.


The aim of the Step-by-Step Programme is to promote a common understanding of the principles of child-centred education at all levels of pre-university education, to support a new way of professional development in the workplace and to improve the provision of initial teacher training.


Expected results:

  1. Central seminars and workshops in establishing credibility among evaluators for trainer-mentors at primary and pre-school levels (we continue to invest in national experts – promoters of child-centred education – practitioners, trainers, mentors – who apply and promote the principles of learner-centred education)

  2. Central seminars for methodologists from the 21 pre-school institutions involved in the project

  3. Observation and mentoring visits to 21 pre-school institutions

  4. Central seminars for primary teachers in 15 schools

  5. Seminars organised in 15 schools for teaching staff

  6. Seminars and workshops for representatives from pedagogical institutions (colleges and universities)


  • 65 kindergartens and community centres (CC) in rural areas and 33 kindergartens in the magnetic districts received training and mentoring on the application of a child-centred approach.
  • Continued capacity development of partner teachers to promote and apply child-centred education principles.
  • Development of a comprehensive package of materials to promote quality in early childhood education (including early primary school).
    Support the upgrading of pre-service teacher training in 7 universities and pedagogical colleges in line with child-centred methodology (building on the new materials in the quality package.
  • ISSA and linking to new national policy documents – sets of teacher standards and early learning and development standards).
  • Establish closer cooperation between pre-school and primary teachers in line with the child-centred approach.

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