Vocational Education

CONSEPT IV - Strengthening the Technical Vocational Education System in Moldova

Status Completed
Duration 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2021
Implementers Education for Development Association
Partners Ministry of Education, Culture and Research; Technical University of Moldova, Pro Didactica; Information and Documentation Centre on the Rights of the Child
Co-partners Medicor Foundation
Beneficiaries 15 educational institutions
Budget 1’839’755 €

Project description:

CONSEPT IV will focus more on the education component. This involves shifting the focus from supporting specific crafts to the general aspects of teaching, learning and assessment. The project complements the efforts of other actors engaged in the Technical Vocational Education (TVE) sector with an intervention strategy that will ensure concrete results at different levels: at school level (15 vocational schools), at meso level (UTM Continuing Education Department) and at macro level (MECC).


The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the improvement of the educational offer in Technical Vocational Education, so that vocational training becomes more qualitative and efficient.

Expected results:

  1. Strengthening the CFD. The project continues to support the TUM’s Department of Continuing Training (DFC) to improve its methodological course offerings and transform them into blended learning formats, combining face-to-face contact with online training. The Knowledge Assessment is the first module to be adjusted to the blended learning format, complemented by another module in the process of development, called the Skills Assessment. Other modules will be adjusted along the way. In this way, the DFC will have a good, modern offer of training services for IPT teachers.

  2. Organisational development of educational institutions. The project aims to support school managers by providing training on various topics related to educational and institutional management as well as selected topics of school administration. CONSEPT will support partner schools in the proper application of school management quality tools.

  3. Participation of pupils in the decision-making process. School councils are empowered to advocate more actively for change. In addition to the National Pupil Council, CONSEPT supports local pupil councils, whose purpose is to develop their own agenda and advocate for change in schools. A range of activities will also be dedicated to school administration and staff to raise their awareness of the age specificities of teenagers and the role of pupil councils in decision-making.

  4. Promoting quality in evaluation. CONSEPT continues to support quality assurance of the evaluation process through qualification documents, which will in future contain an evaluation strategy. Thus, the project will support the MECC in updating qualifications with assessment strategies and in developing the assessment tools presented in the qualification for tailor, cook, electrician, welder, plasterer, ventilation and heating installer.

  5. Teacher training. Teachers are a key factor in the educational process. In order to fulfil their role successfully, teachers need to be adequately prepared to meet the demands of a rapidly changing society. The project will provide teachers with a variety of in-service training activities:

– Methodological trainings: training of practical training skills, training of teaching skills, evaluation of knowledge, evaluation of skills, development of visual teaching materials

– Teacher training on Critical Thinking for Professional Skills Training (CONSEPT has published a guide on Critical Thinking for VET, which forms the basis of this course)

– ICT Basics courses (basic and intermediate level)

– Complex training programme Portfolio and modular project as a strategy (of professional skills training in vocational education).

– In order to facilitate the implementation of the knowledge acquired during the trainings, CONSEPT will support teachers by training counsellors based in the institution.

– CONSEPT will work with motivated teachers to explore the possibilities of using digital tools in their teaching practice.

6. Improving the situation in hostels. The project will support the improvement of living conditions in several hostels. The actions to improve the infrastructure will be accompanied by discussions on how to improve the rules of conduct in the hostels and how they are implemented. Only schools that demonstrate a serious commitment to improvement and are open to working with pupils to gather their views on the process and on hostel management will be selected for support.

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