Makeri Youth Club

Makeri Youth Club (MTC)

Status Completed
Duration 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2024
Partners Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, Vocational Schools of mun. Chisinau
Beneficiaries Young people from vocational schools in mun. Chisinau
Budget 431’326 €

Project description:

The project will create a non-formal learning environment for students from vocational schools in the municipality of. Chisinau, offering a series of activities requiring the practical application of science, technology and crafts (including mechanics, electricity, electronics). In addition to technical skills, students will be able to strengthen soft skills such as problem solving, communication skills, critical thinking, digital skills and teamwork.

In the initial phase, orientation sessions will be organised in vocational schools in Chisinau, followed by Open Doors/Maker Days, aimed at informing students about new opportunities and facilities offered by Tekwill and FabLab Chisinau.

The core activity is the “Young Makers Club”, which will create a different working environment where students will acquire new skills and abilities, work in teams and implement projects after class. Guidance and mentoring will be provided by experts and engineers from the Moldovan maker community.

During the project implementation period, Hackathons/Makeathons, Bootcamps/Summer Camps, Meetups will be organized to encourage young people from vocational schools to participate with their peers in projects, applying their acquired skills to solve problems, learn from the experience of professionals and explore technologies and innovations in engineering.


Creating a collaborative platform through which students in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) could explore, strengthen and enrich the technical skills needed to perform real tasks and solve real problems.

Expected results:

  • Increase the practical skills of students in PTI to use different technologies, acquired in workshops and programs organized at Fablab and Tekwill.
  • Improving the capacities and initiatives of students in the PTI to come up with their own ideas and implement them.
    Increased self-appreciation and self-esteem, and the development of their own talents among pupils in the PTI.
  • Promotion of activities and initiatives carried out by pupils in the PEI.

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