
Status Completed
Duration 01.01.2021 – 31.12.2023
Cooperation partners Ministerul Educației, Culturii și Cercetării, Crunchyroll, GoParrot
Budget 397’092 €

Project description:

The GirlsGoIT project is implemented by the Association for Development of Information Technology EDUCAT (brand name TEKEDU), which aims to increase the involvement of young people in tech (especially girls who are living in poor conditions) through tech trainings and internships, so that a career option in IT becomes realistic for them and they access better-paid jobs. Visit the association website www. to find more about their initiatives and projects.

Project summary:

In the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector women represent 31% of all employees. This underrepresentation of women is caused inter alia by the low level of participation of girls in ICT education. Only 1 % of 15-year-old girls from Moldova expect to work in ICT related professions (compared to 12% of boys of the same age) and only 4% of girls (8.9% of boys) expect to work as science and engineering professionals (PISA, 2018).

GirlsGoIT aims to address the problem of low participation of girls and women in ICT education. This problem is caused inter alia by: (a) gender misconceptions about girls and women competencies in ICT, (b) low level of exposure to and awareness about the existing opportunities in ICT, especially in rural areas, and (c) girls’ low confidence in their capacity and skills. GirlsGoIT provides non-formal digital education opportunities for girls aged between 14 and 20 from Moldova.

Project Outcomes:

Impact: Young women access better education and career opportunities in ICT or STEM

Outcome 1: Enhanced digital skills and increased motivation to pursue further education in ICT among GirlsGoIT participants;

Outcome 2: Increased awareness amongst girls participating in the project and their families about STEM and IT education and careers as viable option for girls/women.

Expected Outputs:

  1. Non-formal IT education activities offered to girls, primarily from rural areas
  2. A new self-learning tool for learning HTML and CSS is developed
  3. Awareness-raising campaign conducted among girls and parents

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