Vocational Education

In 2008, LED in partnership with the Ministry of Education launched the project to strengthen the technical vocational system in the Republic of Moldova, known as CONSEPT…


The project supports the Centre of Excellence in Horticulture and Agricultural Technologies in Țaul in studying group project-based learning methods and applying…

Renewable Energy

The aim of the project is to strengthen the delivery of training for three technologies in the use of solar energy (photovoltaics, solar thermal, solar…

Entrepreneurship in VET

The project promotes the economic empowerment of young people by facilitating the development and application of their entrepreneurial skills…

Continuous Training

The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the capacities of the CNIDE to promote modern methodologies for active learning and digital innovations in the…

Step-by-Step Moldova

The objective of the project is to strengthen the capacities of PEPcP as an important promoter of democratic change in education, especially in early education…

Makeri Youth Club

The objective of the project is to create a collaborative platform, through which students in VET could explore, strengthen and enrich…

Together for quality education

The objective of the project is to contribute to a safer and protective school environment for students, free from bullying and cyberbullying.



The main objective of the CONSEPT project is to support vocational-technical institutions in the delivery of a quality educational offer aligned to the needs…

Agricultural Education

EdAgri supports the Centre of Excellence in Horticulture and Agricultural Technologies in Kaul to improve training in the specialties “Horticulture” and “Product Technology”…

Learn English

The project aims at the personal and professional development of both teachers and the personal development and creation of educational services…

Step-by-step Moldova

The objective of the Pas-cu-Pas Programme is to promote a common understanding of the principles of child-centred education, support a new way of professional development…

Youth Employment

The overall objective of the FOCUS project is to increase the integration of young people from Soroca district and the region into the local labour market…

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